Nice to meet you at R+F Nashville 2019

Helen, my wife of 16+ years, and I love this area and are thrilled so many people are able to enjoy it with us.

This page is for us to share some stuff that keeps coming up in conversations and make it easier to connect with people who want to.

Helen came to me during the R+F Convention 3 years ago with “I want to do this business thing”.

My reply was “Great”.

She has pushed and worked on her R+F based business while juggling a ton. She is a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner full time (tend to pre-mature and newborn babies who have issues), will be finishing a Doctorate program in May 2020, and we have our kids in elementary school.

My focus for the past 16 years has evolved yet the common theme is building Business to Business focused Businesses.

Now I advise Artists, Entrepreneurs, Investors, and Owners, helping them develop as leaders and building systems for them.

Network Marketing Secrets

This book is a game changer.
I want to impalement and focus on the things that it talks about for our team & maybe for others too. [link to free book]

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